Father’s Day 2013 Marked With Google Doodle


The Fathers’ day 2013 is being celebrated with Google doodles on homepages in different countries around the globe.

The Father’s Day 2013 Google Doodle is slightly more interactive than previous years and feature some animation. The letter “o” in Google is a button, and when you press it the letter “l” will animate to a new “Father’s Day” image. These images all tell a father’s day story, and show examples of how kids can spoil their fathers this Father’s Day.

Today Google is celebrating fathers’ day 2013 in Canada, Turkey, Qatar, Czech Republic, Kuwait, Panama, Costa Rica, Slovakia, Ireland, Nigeria, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Ghana, Brunei, Singapore, China, Chile, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong, Bahrain, Netherlands, Uganda, Oman, United States, Kenya, Mexico, Tunisia, South Africa, Peru, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Senegal, Colombia, Greece, Paraguay, Japanand Cyprus.

These are all the countries that celebrated Father’s Day 2013 on June 16 this year. Though the day is also being celebrated in Pakistan, but the Google has changed its homepage in the country.

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