Ten Steps to a Stress-Free Holiday


Ten Steps to a Stress-Free Holiday


Spring is a good time to plan a holiday. You still have a good few months until summer, and it’s always good to have something to look forward to. Follow our stress-free steps to planning your next vacation.

  1. Know your stressors. Does being on the last minute stress you out? Or, is it the thought of organizing your workload that sends you spinning into anxiety? Everyone has different stressors. Identify yours and take steps to prevent it as soon as you begin planning.
  1. Make a list of holiday requirements. Before planning your destination, make a list of any stipulations you have. Are you looking for sun and beaches? For all-year-round sunshine, holidays in Lanzarote are  unrivaled. Would you prefer a relaxing holiday in a quiet resort? Or, are you aching for adventure?

Ten Steps to a Stress-Free Holiday


  1. Make a checklist. Put together a list of things to do and things to remember. Start this as early as possible and add to it as time goes on. Don’t throw this away at the end of the holiday. Type it up so that you can use it next time.
  1. Check your passport. As soon as you begin planning, dig out your passport. Don’t leave this until the week before you’re due to travel. If it needs to be renewed, then do this straight away.
  1. Check vaccinations. Some destinations require that you are inoculated before traveling. Schedule this ahead of time.
  1. Book time off work. Check with your boss to make sure that your chosen weeks are free. Book that time off in advance. This will be appreciated by colleagues, and you can plan your workload accordingly.
  1. Plan your workload. Often, one of the most stressful aspects of planning a holiday is organizing work. Avoid that last-minute rush to get everything done in the week leading up to your vacation. Delegate where possible. Make sure your colleagues know that you will be away and what they need to do in your absence. Provide clients and stakeholders with contact details of people who can help while you’re away from the office.
  1. Do your research. Now that you have chosen your destination do some additional research. Look for places to eat and visit. Read reviews to see what other people have said. It’s good to have this information before traveling so that you know what to expect. It also helps to build excitement.

On the flips side, it’s important not to over-plan. Try to keep some flexibility in your itinerary. Sometimes the things you do on the spur of the moment are the most memorable.

  1. Make a packing list. Organize your clothing and list any items you don’t have. Keep a list of everything you need to take. Pay attention to things like charger cables, adapters, and medication. Dust off your suitcase and start adding things as you think of them. Pack wisely to fit everything in.
  1. Holidays can be stressful. Going on vacation is meant to be enjoyable and relaxing. However, the reality is that sometimes it can be stressful. Getting everything in place so that you go away is the cause of a lot of anxiety. And often you lose the first few days of your break in ‘coming down’ from the week before. Planning ahead can help relieve this. But it’s important not to plan too much as this can feel restrictive. Allow for flexibility. Finding the right balance between rigidity and spontaneity will ensure a relaxing and enjoyable break.

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