The Do’s And Don’ts Of Successful Data Management


Companies are now more reliant on data than ever before. For many companies data has become a mission critical asset. Meaning that without it, they would struggle to carry out their operations at all.

That’s why managing data is a hot topic right now.

Don’t Follow Your Own Security Advice

Many data managers choose to monitor their own security as admins. However, the individual decisions you make may not be the best. It’s almost impossible for a data manager to have all the information they need to make safe decisions.

That’s why you should employ professional solutions like LDAP.

Do Streamline Data Management

The Do's And Don'ts Of Successful Data Management


Often companies find themselves in a challenging and expensive situation. They’ve got multiple data streams. And all those data streams are updated at different times. It makes managing their data a time-consuming and expensive process.

Fortunately, there are solutions out there. One is Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch is a tool that allows companies to get quickly actionable insights from their data.

Other companies have built add-ons for Elasticsearch like Searchbox. Simply put, Searchbox allows different data sources to be indexed in Elasticsearch. That means that as a business, you can more easily streamline your processes.

Do Have An Archiving Strategy

Most people think that archiving is something you can get for free. Unfortunately, it’s not. Successful archiving involves quite a bit of planning. You have to manage server space and backup files. And the whole system has to be regularly administered to keep it orderly.

Don’t Use Free Software

There’s a reason you want to pay for your database software. The free stuff is unreliable. Nothing could be worse than spending months constructing a database, only for it to corrupt.

Free database programmes also have a habit of being poorly optimised. They can also crash halfway through data entry, causing you to lose all your work.

Do Find Out What You Need To Collect

Some companies tend to go a little overboard with what data they choose to collect. They collect every single type of data and metadata under the sun.

Knowing what is valuable and what isn’t can save you a lot of time and server space. Only use the metrics that you find helpful and don’t get bogged down in the less important details.

Don’t Change Configuration

Allowing staff to change data settings on the customer end can ultimately turn out to be a disaster. Staff should follow a standard configuration process. IT staff, in particular, should never use their own methods to configure a database.

Often when they do take control themselves,s they end up causing problems. Either they have bad data or they miss out something that really matters. Ultimately it leads to system failures and angry customers.

Do Use Backups

The Do's And Don'ts Of Successful Data Management


All data companies back up their data. It’s a failsafe, in case there is some catastrophic hardware failure. And this can happen from time to time no matter what type of storage you use.

One way around this is to use the cloud. But many businesses find that this is not flexible enough for their needs. Having a backup server lowers your risk of damaging loss of data.

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