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Timely Tweets: Now easier to see

Timely Tweets, now easier to see. Starting today, Twitter are introducing a way to ensure that the most important Tweets from the organizations we follow reach us directly, by placing them at or near the top of our timeline. These Promoted…

Google +1 Button For WordPress

This plugin will add new Google +1 button for each of your blog posts and pages. It can be easily styles in your blog posts. It can help friends, contacts, and others on the web find the best stuff when they search. It is expected to…

Twitter for Mac update

When Twitter for Mac launched at the beginning of the year it received praise for its simplicity, speed and look. It also came packed with features like auto-shortened URLs, Tweets appearing in real-time, and

Better Twitter Apps for Mobile Browser

Twitter want user to be able to access Twitter no matter where we are; regardless of what device we use; or, whether we prefer to access Twitter through a mobile application or the browser. Today, Twitter are starting to roll out a new…