Protect Your Business From Mother Nature


Protect Your Business From Mother Nature

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For most business owners, you’d think that mother nature would be the least of their worries. Unfortunately, if your business has any physical property, she’s out to get you! It’s worth planning and provisioning for natural wear and tear, to avoid having to spend a lot of money when things go really wrong in the future. To help you out, this post will go through some of the best ways to keep your business clear of any natural issues.

  • Pests

A pest is any animal in a place that it isn’t supposed to be. Obviously, this is a human idea, and the animals don’t understand the limits to their freedom. So, taking care of pests should be done humanely. Pests can range from the big to the very small, including animals like rats and mice, as well as insects like wasps and woodworm. The treatment that is required will depend on the pests you’re struggling with, so you’ll need some help. It’s best to hire a professional. Otherwise, the job may be done in a cruel manner or incorrectly.

You can also prevent pests. Some animals will react in fear to high pitched noises. So, you can install a sonic noise maker, which you won’t hear, but will keep animals away. For birds, which are leaving their poo all over your business, use harmless bird spikes. Insects can be a bit harder. It’s best to observe and react when you need to, with the little critters.

  • Plants

Weeds are the plant equivalent of a pest; humans don’t want them there! Particularly in old buildings, plants can start to grow between bricks and in cracks. As the plants get bigger, they will damage the building. Over time, this can start to create major structural problems. Brickwork and masonry can fail completely, leaving you with a lot of work to do.

Keep a watchful eye on your buildings, and make sure that plants aren’t growing anywhere they shouldn’t be. Be especially wary of plants growing through either tarmac or concrete, as these materials can degrade very quickly. Use weed killer for the easy stuff, but for anything stubborn, use a professional weed removal company.

Protect Your Business From Mother Nature

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  • Subsidence

The earth is constantly shifting and reshaping. Over time, this has caused caves and air pockets to form underneath the earth’s surface. Combined with porous, weak rock, this is a recipe for subsidence. When a building subsides, it starts to collapse into the ground. Obviously, this creates a massive safety risk, and will almost certainly put your business at stake if it isn’t resolved. You will need professional surveyors and builders to help you resolve this problem. Be particularly conscious of this if you are in an old building, as it’s foundations won’t be as strong as modern ones.

All of these issues can be prevented by observation. And, it’s well worth it. If your business looks tatty from the outside, customers will struggle to find confidence in you. These problems can also pose health and safety risks, as well as potential legal disputes in the future. If you notice any problems with your building, do some research and seek professional help as soon as possible.

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