Multiple Store Manage: How You Can Rule Them All


Multiple Store Manage: How You Can Rule Them All

Credit to Greg Dunlap

When you run a brick-and-mortar store, you might be happy with building up one location. However, many owners decide that it’s time to open another location. Two could even become three, four or even more. When you start to run multiple stores, it can be difficult to juggle. You are likely to be more hands-off in the different stores. You need to set up managers in each location, and you’ll be watching them from a distance. There are some things you can do to make it easier so that you can run each store more efficiently. If you want each location to deliver consistent service, try some of the tasks below.

Visit Locations in Person

You can’t be in more than one place at once. So even if you have time to be present in one store, you can’t be in all of them. It’s likely you aren’t often present on the shop floor, as you have other things to do. But it’s worth your time to visit your stores and check up on them in person. You can ensure that you know all your staff and that they feel comfortable approaching you with problems. You will be able to observe everyone at work and ensure that they are following your standards.

Multiple Store Manage: How You Can Rule Them All

Credit to Peter Griffin

Integrate Data Between Stores

More store locations mean more information to manage. You might have to deal with things like payroll, stock, and energy bills. It can be hard to deal with these things across several different stores. Fortunately, you can use software that allows for easy store data integration. By integrating data across your stores, you can manage it all in one place. For example, you can keep an eye on your stock in different stores. You’ll be able to see where the stock is needed most so you can move it around. You will also be able to see when you need to order new supplies.

Hold Training Sessions and Events

Another way to be present at each location is to have training sessions or even parties. As well as having them for individual stores, you can also get everyone together. This is a good idea if you sometimes send staff to different stores. It also allows you to hold training sessions once instead of multiple times. You can ensure that everyone learns the same things at the same time. A party also helps to improve the company culture and relationships among staff.

Multiple Store Manage: How You Can Rule Them All

Credit to Tariq786

Get Progress Reports

Since you can’t be at each location all the time, you need people who can report back to you. Your managers can update you on progress and perhaps any issues that arise too. Ask them to put together progress reports on a weekly basis. The can show that they are meeting any goals that have been set. It can help you spot any staff that might need extra help. It doesn’t have to be too time-consuming for your managers. They can use an app or program to make it quicker and easier.

Overseeing multiple stores is difficult, but you can make it more manageable. Take steps to bring them together and deliver consistent service.

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