Learn How Business Experts Are Getting More From Their Employees


It’s every business owner’s aim to get the most out of their employees. Today, I’ve picked out some advice from business experts on how you can do just that:

Learn How Business Experts Are Getting More From Their Employees

(Flickr: https://flic.kr/p/bkg4K9)

Be Clear About Roles & Future

A simple idea to get more from your employees is to be clear about the role in your company and the future you see for them. As Emma del Torto – an experienced managing director – says, employees feel uncertain and suspicious when they don’t know about their job security. An employee like this will likely not put everything into their work as they’ll be worried at all times. You can benefit a lot by speaking to your staff and telling them that they’re here for a reason. They have long-term futures and are valuable assets to your company. This makes them much happier, and calmer too. They’ll start to work harder for the company as they know you value them.

Strategic Loyalty Programs

This next idea is something that is very clever and serves to purposes. A strategic loyalty program is a way of giving back to your employees while getting more out of them. Essentially, you reward them for their loyalty with something that ends up benefiting your business. Entrepreneurs like Steve Voudouris have been using this technique for years. He runs a company that deals with two brands that sell Ford Mustangs & Jeeps. As a loyalty reward for his employees, everyone gets $2500 dollars to go towards buying one of these two cars. Consequently, the employees are happy as they get help buying a nice car but they also start to learn more about the cars too. They become experts as they get to drive them every day. So, he gets more from his employees as each of them knows what they’re talking about and can connect with customers. Your business can take this idea and make it your own. Offer employees something that benefits both them and your business, and you’ll get a lot more out of them.

Learn How Business Experts Are Getting More From Their Employees

(Link: https://flic.kr/p/zoc2xV)

Extensive Background Checks

You can get more out of your staff is you understand a bit about their background. Carry out extensive research on candidates before you hire them. This helps you figure out what they’ve been up to in their past. You will see all their previous jobs and any skills that can help them in their current role. For example, you could be hiring a new admin assistant and see someone with exceptional web design skills that’s applying for the job. It benefits you to hire them as they can help with your website as well as the admin work. As such, you’re getting a lot more out of your admin assistant. Plus, as experienced marketing consultant Eric Rudolf says, you can save lots of money by having employees that are capable of doing more than their main job.

Give these ideas a try if you’re struggling to get the most out of your employees. All three ideas can help you encourage productivity which leads to a more successful business on the whole.

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