Avoid Tunnel Vision: Study Your Way to a Promotion


It’s easy to get tunnel vision when you’re working in the same office, nine to five, day in and day out. Your career options are limited by the number of hours in a given day, or by the flexibility of your employers. And if you’re in a job that makes you unhappy, that tunnel vision will narrow to a tightly coiled tube.

According to Investors in People, more than 60 per cent of people in the UK are unhappy in their job, and the reasons behind their discontent are manifold. An increasingly strong job market, feeling unvalued in the workplace, believing you’ll be more satisfied in another workplace – these are just a few reasons why an increasing number of workers are searching pastures new.

Mass employee exodus

Paul Devoy, Head of Investors in People, said, “This latest report highlights an increasingly fluid employment market. As the UK economy warms up staff are thinking about where their career is headed and are aware of the opportunities out there.

“The research should be a stark wake up call to many businesses. These companies must work hard to retain the staff they have and also put the effort into attracting top quality talent from elsewhere.”

“This exodus is driven by workers that value the wide range of professional and personal benefits that a good employer can bring: career progression, job satisfaction and development of expertise. Employers must carefully consider what they offer their staff; an active jobs market can be a blessing to those who raise the standard of how they treat, train and develop their people.”

Make yourself valuable

You should be a precious commodity to your boss, but it’s a two-way street. If you regularly enter your workplace with all the motivation of a sloth on horse tranquilisers, your boss will come to view you as little more than deadwood to the company.

To feel increasingly valued, you’ll need quantitative evidence that you’re collecting new skills that’ll make you better at your job, and the most effective way to do this is to gain an education.

Studying for an online degree in your industry, and letting your employer know you’re doing this, is one of the easiest ways to broaden your skills and pique your bosses’ interest.

The vast majority of people who study for a degree on the side will instantly increase their job satisfaction. What’s more, thanks to the flexibility within an online degree, you’ll be able to study for a degree without impacting your nine to five.

Beyond your current place of work, a distance learning degree will help you move into the job of your dreams. Suddenly your options will be more open than you ever realised.

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