Are You a Leader or a Follower?


Leadership is a trait that few people have, and even fewer manage to master. For most people, the idea of leading a group of people sounds daunting and without an iron resolve, they can’t get anywhere or even hope to convince their team to follow their orders. Leadership can also be referred to as persuasion. As a leader, your best quality is the ability to convince people to do something for the greater good.

For instance, a leader in an office knows what has to be done, so he or she will convince their team members to follow the same vision. A successful team leader knows all the buttons to push and knows how to motivate their team. They’re also a highly respected individual in their workplace due to their accomplishments, compassion towards their goal and also possess a great deal of skill and awareness.

Are You a Leader or a Follower?

Leaders can be among us

Leadership can be nurtured, but it’s also a trait that some people naturally possess. If you’ve ever seen someone in the office who isn’t a team leader or a senior member of staff, but still has the power to influence those around them and rally people together to do the jobs they are hired to do, then that’s a natural born leader. On the other hand, there are people in positions of power that don’t do their role justice. They don’t take the initiative, they aren’t creative and no one respects them.

As a follower, you’re expected to do whatever you can to support the leader’s vision. You do what is required and you rarely, if ever, go above and beyond what is required of you. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, however. There has to be leaders and followers in this world or else everyone would be constantly arguing with each other, and not everyone possesses the mental fortitude and confidence to be able to lead others.

Are You a Leader or a Follower?

Leaders are skilled

Make no mistake, leaders aren’t known for just their ability to persuade or convince others. Leaders also possess vast knowledge in their respective fields. For instance, a leader in an engineering business would likely have a masters in engineering management. Not only does an engineering manager have fantastic persuasion skills and the ability to lead a group of people, they also possess a wealth of engineering knowledge so that they can direct their team with confidence.

There are many people that pose to be leaders but don’t understand the industry they are in. For example, many offices employ people that have studied to become leaders, but without sufficient knowledge in the field, they will be pushed around by the followers. If someone was hired to become the leader for a programming project, that leader is expected to be able to give guidance to everyone on the team and point them all in a general direction to reach their goals. However, if that leader had absolutely no knowledge about computer science, then his or her followers are going to question if their leader is even qualified to work with them.

So whether you’re a leader or a follower, it’s important to know your role within the office and never overstep your boundaries. If a business wants to be efficient, then the employees must respect the hierarchy and trust in their leaders.

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