Show Off Your Startup


Show Off Your Startup

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Getting your startup noticed is one of the most important steps on your journey to building a successful online company. It doesn’t matter how good your products and services are, or how much money you’ve spent on your website if no one knows about it, and it’s impossible to find! Thankfully, marketing your startup isn’t at all difficult, if you spend just a little time and effort on the process.

Ready to get started? Check out these simple tips for getting your startup noticed:

Set Up Social Media Profiles

Show Off Your Startup

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The first, and most affordable, thing you should do if you want to show off your startup is to set up social media profiles on all of the most popular sites, like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Post content on each profile at least a couple of times a week to build up a decent presence and attract your target audience.

If you’re using Facebook, you might want to consider paying for ads, which will promote your page and get you more clicks. You can choose to pay per click, which helps to keep costs down.

Add Your Site to Relevant Listings

This should be obvious, but so many startups fail to do this in the beginning that it’s worth putting down in this post. If you want your target audience to be able to find you quickly and with as little effort as possible, you need to submit your website to online listings, directories and blogs in your niche. Submitting your information to a website like TechCrunch will get you noticed much more quickly than almost anything else you can do online, so just get it done.

Hire an SEO Expert

Show Off Your Startup

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Businesses that rank highly on top search engines like Google and Bing will see infinitely more traffic coming their way than the companies who don’t make it onto the first few pages.  Professional SEO services optimize your websites so that they impress the search engines and improve your rankings. Although you can undertake basic SEO tasks, such as writing the high-quality content yourself, it is rarely the best way to use your time, and a professional will almost always do it better, and they’ll do a whole lot of other stuff it might take you years to learn about, too.

Try Google AdWords

Google AdWords is one of the most affordable forms of online marketing, and it can very quickly put you into contact with people who are actively looking for the products and service you provide. When you are just starting out, at least, it is, therefore, a very good way of increasing traffic to your website and getting your name out there.

Visit Conferences and Events

Show Off Your Startup

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A less technical way of getting showing up your startup, which can be every bit as successful,m is visiting events, trade shows and conferences in your niche. Not only will you be able to talk face to face with your target audience, but you’ll meet other companies and professionals, build your network and increase your reach.

These are just a few of the myriad ways you can show off your startup, but they are cost-effective and will get you good results when you’re just starting out.

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