Building An Empire: Marketing Your Construction Business


Building An Empire: Marketing Your Construction Business

Constructing a construction business, in all of its components is a difficult pursuit. When you have set up your start-up business and jumped through all of the hoops to get it up and running, where do you go from there? You are trading, but you need customers and trade. Not only that, but you have the staff to pay. If you obtained a front-loaded loan or a cash advance, it only gives you a short window to get some work lined up. What can you do to get the punters in and paying you straightaway? The answer lies in one simple, three syllable word: MARKETING.

Breaking this down into its key components. Firstly you are working to market yourself in two ways; the first is for your customer base. And the second is to market yourself within your industry. You need to make yourself a force to be reckoned with. And how are these done?

The Branding Of Your Product

The great brands are ones that you can instantly associate with a company. The McDonalds arches, the Coca-Cola writing, the CAT logo. They all are images that are solidified in people’s mind. So what do you do to create the right image to promote? A brand is an experience. It is something that your clients or customers should associate with quality. And that is what you need to link in with your product when your image is strewn across billboards or in the local paper. Brainstorming the image starts with identifying your business keywords. These are what you want your business to say. Words like “reliable”, “honest”, “in-your-face” or “extreme”. Thinking of the right buzzwords at the start of your company’s life will help when it comes to giving your company the image that will set you apart from your contemporaries. It’s hard to promote a business that is similar in approach to so many. But if you can think of so many fast-food chains or drinks companies that operate alongside each other. Can you operate next to another construction company? Of course, you can.

Aligning Your Company With The “Influencers” In Your Industry

If you haven’t developed the skill of networking yourself and your company, it is something that will serve you in really good stead when it comes to making your company get leads and contracts. It is a difficult thing to gear up to do. But you do need to start it. Aligning yourself or reaching out to companies that need help themselves is a great way to get your foot in the door with them so they can help you. For example, if you are looking for workplace equipment and you are limited in your finances, reaching out to a company that provides workplace equipment, or a marketplace like the Selectequip Hub, and see what you can offer them. You may be able to get a discount on items that you need. Or you have at least introduced yourself and started a relationship that will serve you well.

Having the right marketing savvy is something to get your head around. Even if you think that it isn’t something that’s needed in your type of industry; it is needed in every industry!

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