5 Ways to Increase Local Business Exposure


Whether or not your local business also sells online, it is always good to know that you can really increase your local business exposure via the web as well as locally. In fact, four of the five top ways to increase local business exposure are through digital media so you might want to reconsider your local advertising strategies. Here are those top five ways to increase local business exposure.

1) Search Engine Local Listings

Once you have a website up and running, one of the first things you will want to do is list your business with the local listings on all the major search engines. Google, Yahoo and Bing are the most widely used so you should start here. Before long you will start getting ‘hits’ if users are searching for what you have to sell and/or your brand name.

2) Targeted Keywords and Promotions for Local Customers

Speaking of searching, the employment of targeted keywords is vital. All your web content, graphics, ads and any other online advertising you do should use specific, highly targeted SEO (search engine optimised) keywords. Alongside paid advertising, this will significantly bring traffic to your site which in turn can lead those people to your physical location, if that’s what you’re looking to accomplish.

3) Direct Marketing through Email Campaigns

There are a number of ways to collect email addresses, both online and off, but for what it’s worth, email is a great way to increase exposure. However, don’t despair after a single email attempt to attract local business. Bear in mind that some people only check their email once or twice a week and others don’t bother to open every email that hits their inbox. Patience is a virtue and you may need it here. If, after several email campaigns, you aren’t seeing results, it’s time to revisit your email strategy.

4) Direct Mail Colourful Postcards

Most people today don’t bother to open envelopes from businesses they aren’t familiar with. Sad, but true. If you want to use a postal advertising campaign, your best bet is to take advantage of colourful postcards such as you can have printed and delivered literally overnight by overnightprints.co.uk. A sharp and attractive image on one side with coupons, vouchers and or specials you are running can have an immediate impact on foot traffic, so this is something you really must try.

5) Develop a Social Following

Finally, social media is huge and projected to be even bigger in years to come. If you are looking to increase local exposure, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are ideal. As you gain friends and gain momentum, friends of friends will begin seeing your posts on their friends’ pages. Then their friends will also be privy to your posts and so it continues through many levels of friends. This works especially well for local businesses because your followers can enter your doors to get a look at the people behind the brand.

If you are looking to increase your business’ exposure, these five tips will surely help. Remember, whatever you do, you will need to be patient and tenacious because what doesn’t take hold today will plant the seeds for tomorrow. Be smart, keep at it and you will own your market.

Featured image credit: ShutterStock

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