5 Things to Keep In Mind before Creating Your Website


With the advancements in technology, creating and running a blog or website has become much easier that it used to be back in the days. The days when only HTML coders could create websites are gone. Now with the help of preset templates you can create a website in less than half an hour.

However, even though it does not require much efforts or talent there are some things you must keep in mind when building a website. We could not talk about all of them here so we decided to talk about the 5 most basic yet important ones. Here are 5 things you should keep in mind before building your website.

  • Text

If you talk about different elements that constitute a website, text is by far the winner. Text forms the basic structure of your website and blog. Text is what can get you more and more visitors every day or scare away the ones you already have. What you write and present to the viewers is of grave importance. Consider yourself as an average viewer ad write what you’d want to see. Text in clean and clear font, text that is not too difficult to understand and text that is too the point. You don’t want to cater your viewers with long essays with only a bit of useful information. Most importantly, highlight the important points and purpose of the text.

  • Company Name

The website you’re building is most probably for your company or a business venture that you’re going to run. Now you might be thinking what has the company name got to do with the website? Well, you’re thinking wrong. The website should have a clear and short URL that not only relate to your company name but also publicizes it. The company name should be easy to spell and write. Compile a list of the possible names and consult your friends and family about which one to go with. If you have an already running company, try to incorporate its name into the website’s URL.

  • Logo

Logos may not seem like much but they have a huge impact on the business and its brand value. Many major brands around the globe have logos that depict a great deal about their business and that is exactly what logos are meant to do. Make sure the logo you choose for your website represent what your website is and what your brand stands for.

  • Photos

Like we said above, text is undoubtedly the most important when constructing a website but like the old proverb says “A picture is worth a thousand words. “ So do not forget to incorporate pictures on your website. If you have a business website, the importance of pictures goes without saying. You need to have a cover photo for your home page, lots of product photos, photo for the about section and many more. Now make sure you use high resolution photo and try to make use of original photo. If you can’t find original photos, stock photo websites ca always come to your rescue.

  • Research

Research. Do a lot of research before building your website. Spend a considerable amount of time going through other websites similar to what your website will be like and study them. See what their website has to offer? What is it missing? Pay attention to minute details and other elements like text, ease of use, navigation etc.

So these were 5 things to keep in mind before creating your website.

We recommend checking the video below on how to make your own website:

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